Since George Floyd’s public brutal death last year, you've seen the hashtags, black squares and Racism reading lists coming and going, in and out of our collective awareness. So I need to share my own resources as some people think the job is over since they've added a Diversity and Inclusion statement to their workplace or have read a book or two by a person of colour. If only it was that easy.

The positive is that when you go deep and really learn to understand the Other, you get to understand the Self much more...

I know first hand living in this Mixed race body what it means to be both self and 'Othered'; simultaneously.

Can you learn to understand the Other and unlearn the systemic racism taught to you?

Here are a few of my favourite resources which I've been learning from over the last year, please listen and CONSUME this CULTURE today instead of your daily diet of BBC, CNN and Murdoch bullshit...

Before her Incredible workbook came out, it started with an Insta post, where a 3-part letter blog post was shared, went viral, this video was part of it; pls watch ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE IN THE WELLNESS WORLD;

Robin Di Angelo’s book White Fragility

Breaking down White privilege;

Ibrem X Kendi, getting to the roots of racism, defintions and learning the language

White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color - Ruby Hamad

Resmaa Menakem on black trauma podcast below, author of brilliant book My Grandmothers Hands;

Any and all books and essays by Audre Lorde; reading again Sister Outsider; absolutely perception shattering;

Egyptian Guru Nawa El Sadaawi, author, activist and feminist from waaay back;

Natives; Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire, by Akala;

Good Ancestors podcast by Layla has some truly eye opening interviews; here's one of my favourite with Sikh feminist poet;

Succinct videos;

Understanding MICRO-AGRESSIONS; Best explanation ever by the beautiful Nova Reid;

Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race;

To get educated in your workplace with a professional consultant, can highly recommend Stacie at Oya Retreats, currently on a course myself which is opening my heart and mind more;

Understanding mixed-race bodies and experiences;

My bible of poetry and stories that make me feel normal;

My own experience;

Johnny Pits excellent book Afropean was recommended to me by his Mrs, a fellow yoga teacher, at times felt like he was writing my own story, do check out;

Wonderful mixed race, third culture kids and experiences

Any poetry and music by Saul Willliams; one of my faves; Tao Of Now;

This list is by no means exhaustive, so please do your own research and keep expanding your consciousness to get to know this global ‘majority’ that is the Other. A more connected, compassionate and loving world may exist on the other side of this! xx