FEBRUARY 10TH - 19TH 2025


In an increasing world of noise, dissent and discord it's never been more important to be able to listen, trust and follow your inner guidance and 'knowing’. A Non-negotiable in these times of mis/disinformation, is to be able to lower the volume of the external voices to hear the sound of your Inner voice. 

Also to be able to discern the difference between the voice of the Ego and the voice of our higher self, to step up into eagle perspective rather than stay stuck in the mouse lens, repeating patterns unconsciously.


To truly understand "Knowing" we need to break down how we come to truly know something internally rather than just believing what we're told externally.

The 3 ways to Know:

1. Intellectual knowledge  goes through the head and lies at the heart of Western systems of philosophy, based on logic, rational and critical analysis; gained through reading, specialist courses or from trusted experts in their chosen fields. Useful to remember that information can often turn into knowledge though not always- as the intellect is limited and inherently biased and polarised.

2.Intuitive Knowledge; is felt through the heart's magnetic field,  -as a highly intuitive person- and with the limited use of words, I can only explain it as quick and ready insight, immediate cognition from feeling or direct knowledge without linear, rational evidence. Often psychic, spiritual or energetic wisdom, which is are all intangible words to the rational mind.

3.Instinctual Knowledge; is felt through the gut or Hara - this is innate; a primal reaction; a natural, impulsive gut or body response to outside stimuli without being based on prior experience. Also without involvement from the intellect or any rational thought process.

Both instinct and intuition bypass the rational mind, are void of reason, which is why in the West we don't give either much credit.


Through Daily Practices that have been tried and tested including:

-Yoga Nidra and Dreamwork

-Journaling and Reflections

-Yoga and Breathwork

- Meditation and Guided Visualisations

-Tarot Readings

As well as mountain walks in silence, an afternoon at the magic lake, sand duning in Fayoum, desert sweatlodge and dinner, sacred sites visits, a night sleeping under the stars, foraging for local plants and a whole lot more!


February 10th to 19th 2025.

WHERE? Cairo - Pyramids of Giza + Saqqara + Fayoum + Dahab, South Sinai

COSTS: 8 Days- £1350 - Excludes flights. Inclusive of accommodation, 2 meals daily, and airport transfers.


Discount also applies to BIPOC Brothers and Sisters, DM to discuss.

To Secure your place; please complete this Booking Form Thanks!


MAY 1ST - 9TH 2024


Not your usual retreat!
Mary’s retreat was transformational for me. She has the perfect combination of being connected to a higher plane yet remaining down to earth and the rest of the group were such lovely people. We experienced so much, including morning yoga with a sharing circle, a blue lotus ceremony, visiting a hand built sweatlodge, camping in the desert overnight, riding the sand dunes in a jeep and swimming in the waters of an oasis, and all the while Mary’s guidance accompanied us to reflect on life from a different perspective. I am so grateful to Mary for sharing her wisdom and insights with us and will definitely be going again next year!


I've just returned from Mary's 9-day Wellness retreat - Remember, Rest & Rewild. It was a beautiful blend with 3 days in Cairo (to Remember) and 6 days in Dahab (to Rest & Rewild).

Firstly, we remembered through our spirtual discovery of ancient Egypt at the Giza Pyramids & Sphinx, then Fayoum Oasis and finally at the Saqara stepped pyramid, guided by an amazing spiritual Egyptologist, who shared his love for this land - both its already uncovered history as well as all that's still hidden under the sands, which are still spiritually impacting those who live or walk above them ❤️

On the 4th day we flew to the Sinai and after some rest and relaxation by the pool in the gorgeous Dahab Paradise Hotel, we went for a 2 hour walk in the desert slience! This was the perfect introduction to the Rest and Rewilding experience for the remainder of our retreat. After our morning yoga sessions we would have a delicious breakfast, followed by free time to journal, connect together, or swim in the hotel's beautiful pool or in the sea just across the road. Each late afternoon, we experienced something different... a trip to a sweat lodge in a desert oasis, an overnight sleep under the stars in the desert, where I saw a shooting star 🌟 and a day swimming in the Laguna, to name just a few.

Each morning Mary lead our yoga sessions with a sharing circle - all in her own inimitable way, with humour, knowledge and compassion ❤️. My intention for the retreat was to connect more deeply with my intuition, and the highlight for me was the inner discoveries I made, through her guided Nidra sessions, her 1:1 massage session, and connecting with nature in this spiritual land🙏 My journey continues now I've returned home, with Mary's information links and after-care.

Thank you Mary 🙏 You truly are a special soul, with so much to offer us and the world! I look forward to returning in 2025 for my 4th retreat with you ❤️



For far too long we have been taught that rest is lazy, unnecessary and maybe even dangerous. Learning to revalue the things capitalism condemns and fears so deeply is revolutionary work. On a personal level, rest transforms the ways we treat ourselves (& others), helping us to live from a place of profound self respect & more ease.

Rest restores our energy levels, helps us integrate and re-calibrate, boosts creativity and problem-solving, and helps us create sustainability in a world that never slows down. It returns our bodies to a state of homeostasis.

Relearning how to Rest is deeply important and necessary in these strange times of ongoing uncertainty, anxiety and busy-ness.

Yoga Nidra as a daily practice, has allowed me more permission to rest as well as deeper access to my unconscious mind, and will be a tool we will be deep - diving into on this retreat!

Blue Lotus was used in Ancient Egypt for a myriad of healing benefits, in particular lucid dreaming; now making a huge comeback to aid in collective dreaming, we shall be exploring its powerful awareness / lucidity potential in two rituals around rest, on retreat.


Restoring to a more natural wild state allows us to rebalance and repair, used especially with reference to the Undoing of domestication and conditioning. Human rewilding is a Holistic intentional way of living.

The art of returning to our natures which are inherently wild, organic and can be trusted is something I've been practising for a long time. Learning to unravel from what society considers “Normal” back into what’s “Natural” was the huge pivot point for me, when I left the 9-5 world 7 years ago now. Rewilding isn’t as scary (or feral) as it sounds, it’s simply a re-turn to our inherent natures through Mother Nature herself to aid in the process.

Sinai is inherently rough and raw, its wild nature dominates as the elements are profoundly felt and rule the day. Which makes it the perfect setting for this Spring retreat in the Motherland.

We shall be foraging for local herbs to learn and understand their healing properties, learning how to make a fire and cook a meal in the desert, learning to listen and trust our intuition, a mindful mountain walk in silence and sweating, full moon circle- singing and drumming it out in a desert sweatlodge and pool under the canopy of Sinai stars. Rewilding your mind, body, spirit through your senses and nature!


It's been wisely stated that All of Life is merely about Remembering who we are and returning to that knowing. Remembering more than we forget more often through conscious practices. Knowing that we are multi-dimensional, Divine And Human.

Earth And Sky, Spirit And Matter, Divinity And Humanity - allows us to effortlessly return to our sense of Wholeness and Radiance.

Through Rest + Rewilding Practices we ultimately return to a Deep REMEMBRANCE of who we are and what we came here for.


Learning how to listen to our intuition, trust ourselves and the basics of being in harmony with nature.

Moon circle, breathwork, elemental flow into nidra, yin yoga, journaling and dreamwork.

Our practices will go deep, but the pace of our week will be slow, gentle, nourishing and nurturing. Taking the time to appreciate the magical mornings over steaming cups of herbal tea, gentle walks into the mystical mountains of Sinai at sunrise and immersion into the Red sea will be nothing short of Divine!

Are you feeling the call to join us?

WHEN? May 1st to 9th 2024

WHERE? Cairo - Pyramids of Giza + Saqqara + Fayoum + Dahab, South Sinai

Dahab Paradise Hotel Images

COSTS: 8 Days- £1150 - Excludes EasyJet flights. Inclusive of accommodation, 2 meals daily, and airport transfers.


Discount also applies to BIPOC Brothers and Sisters, DM to discuss.

To Secure your place; please complete this Booking Form Thanks!


During this unique wellness retreat in Egypt - in collaboration with some Egypt based instructors - Mary will create a warm, welcome and nurturing environment, conducive to bringing Wellness + Wholeness back into your world.

Set in a naturally stunning location in which you have space to deepen your practice in yoga, bodywork and breathwork, this retreat is the perfect place to find valuable quiet time to soften back wholly and fully into yourself.

Through Rebalancing of the Four Elements.

Over seven days, Mary will deliver up to twenty-five hours of grounding and balancing practice spread across themed workshops, restorative, therapeutic and meditative classes and breathwork sessions.

The whole program is specially designed to put you in charge of your needs, with your elemental choice of activity aiming to maximise your well-being; restoring and rejuvenating your body, mind and spirit.

This unmissable event will take place in the South Sinai peninsula of Egypt, in the peaceful and atmospheric location of Dahab.

You will be surrounded by breath-taking views of the stunning Sinai mountain range and the enchanting sound of the Red Sea lapping at the shore with desert in between. Truly a feast for all the senses!
The retreat is suited to all levels of ability. It is aimed at anyone who wants to enjoy a sunny and relaxing time in a beautiful venue and take the first steps in bringing back balance and wholeness to your world..


As a long-time traveller, yogi, bodyworker and networker I know the power of a good holiday, a good itinerary, and good connections. This is why I've setup this unique Retreat based in none other than Sinai, Egypt. HOME.

Wellness, to me is about disconnecting from the hustle-bustle of work out there to reconnect to your inner world in you. To also learn practices that are simple, easy enough for you to return home with and implement in your daily life once the retreat is over.
After living in Dahab, Sinai for 4 years post Arab Spring, I know that the reconnection to and the balance between the four elements is truly present and infinitely healing. I felt it again this year after spending 4 fantastic months in Sinai, returned to the UK feeling re-centred and completely re-vitalised after the whirlwind of a year that 2020 was.
The 4 elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth are what we are made of and are very powerfully felt in nature, especially in Dahab, Sinai. So I have created a Retreat with loads of options so that you can truly get what you need for your own re-connection alone as well as participating in daily activities set for the group for the week.

Sinai mountains with sea in front at Blue Hole dive spot

-Flow yoga in the morning. Nutritious and tasty vegetarian meal for breakfast prepared by our chef.

-Evening Yin Yoga Class is followed by a nourishing vegetarian meal provided by our incredible chef.

-One Bodywork/ Massage session was included for the week.

-An afternoon of hiking in silence to a local wadi to get familiar with the magnificence of the mountains and to really tune in to our own senses. *Option to sleep in the desert with a trusted local Bedouin guide after our scrumptious dinner under the stars.

PRICE £740 - Excludes EasyJet flights. Inclusive of accommodation, 2 meals daily, and airport transfers.

To Secure your place; please complete this Booking Form Thanks!


As we are in the Motherland, the famous, historical, magical and mystical sites of the Pyramids are literally just up the road!

3 Pyramids of Giza, sand in forefront and blue skies in background.

So if you would like to extend your trip and come to Cairo to visit sacred sites, then this option is for you!

-Flow yoga in the morning. Nutritious and tasty vegetarian meal for breakfast prepared by our chef.

-Evening Yin yoga session.-Dinner provided by our incredible chef.

-One Bodywork / Massage session included for the week.

-An afternoon of hiking in silence to a local wadi to get familiar with the magnificence of the mountains and to really tune into our own senses. *Option to sleep in the desert with a trusted local Bedouin guide after our scrumptious dinner under the stars.

-Mini bus to Cairo where we will visit World famous sites of Pyramids of Giza and Saqara over the space of 2 days.

PRICE - £980 - Excludes EasyJet flights. Inclusive of accomodation, 2 meals daily and airport transfers.

To Secure your place, please complete this Booking Form Thanks..


WIND: Due to the unique location of Dahab on the Sinai Peninsula being right opposite Saudi Arabia, this has created a wind tunnel all along the red sea, so the days and weather are truly dominated by the Wind. Either wind-surfing or kitesurfing lessons at some of the best local spots and the Blue laguna further North.

WATER: Sinai is located on the gorgeous Red Sea, full of absolutely gorgeous and world -famous dive spots, such as the Blue Hole (only 3 in the world!). So, if Water is your element, explore either free- diving or scuba diving lessons with one of our exceptional divers!

EARTH: The Sinai mountains have a magnificence that have to be seen to be believed; strong, silent and so still. Can calm the busiest of minds! Either a daily hike up into different wadis, canyons and mountains. Option for climbing and abseiling also with a local legend Amira who runs Women in the Wadi, getting like-minded women together in the wadis.

FIRE: In case 18 hours daily of blazing warmth of the sun is not enough, option for 3 x sauna or sweat lodge at our unique Malakot mountain Oasis with local Mexicana drummer Niketa. Expect a Fire Ceremony, dancing and deep purging of emotions. Unique experience!

Remember all roads lead back to you, your essential self and soul essence.
I work with only the most trusted, respectable divers, climbers, instructors in all above-mentioned sports. Therefore your safety is of the highest importance and guaranteed. You are very welcome to meet your Instructor online and make contact with them before committing to make sure your needs are met.
On the other hand, if none of the Elemental options appeal to you, please drop me an email so we can arrange to co-create some beautiful alternatives for you!

Flights direct from London to Sharm el Sheikh Airport with EASYJET or via Istanbul with FLY PEGASUS

A negative PCR Test OR Double Vaccination required for entry into Egypt.

For more detailed info on venue, food, travel information, or your specific needs, please do get in touch.

Terms and Conditions / Cancellation Policy

  1. Please be advised – Once you have paid your 50% Deposit and registered for this retreat, if at any time you or someone in your group decide not to or cannot attend for any reason, you must notify the company by email before March 31st, whereby the deposit will be fully refunded. Failing to do so will mean the customer will no longer be entitled to the deposit paid.

  2. Going forward; Full payment must be made by the 14th April to secure your place on the retreat and/or any of your elemental activities (optional extra) chosen; ie diving, windsurfing, climbing etc. After this date, sadly no refunds will be possible..

    To Secure your place on this uniqe Retreat; Please complete and return this Booking Form