OM 🕉 - Pronounced AUM, is the primordial Sound energy, reverberating throughout the Brahman, the Universe. It is the base level hum sound that is said to be in everything at it’s source. Or the sound of Creation herself.

Personally I love the sound because it feels like it does an energetic cleanse of my space; leaving me feeling super grounded, especially at the end of a yoga class.

OM is more than just a humble sound. It’s a wave of the universe, the cosmos.

It’s a powerful and mystical sound lies within us, and chanting it is a useful practice that energises our minds, bodies and spirit.

The sound of Om has it’s roots not just in Hinduism but also in Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism, where it holds a special place in all these religions.

it is known to contain the past, present and future within its sound and reverberations.

A: The waking state of the mind.

U: The dream state of the mind.

M: The deep sleep state of the mind.


1: Helps Reduce Anxiety

Chanting Om has a proper positive impact on mental state. The word 'OM' creates a sound which increases alpha waves in brain, which is so beneficial to calm your mind and help reduce anxiety.

2.Energises your Chakras

The AUM sound purifies the subtle energy, known as Prana, as it helps in energising the chakras and calms down the mind totally. As it’s the Bija Mantra - or seed sound of the Third Eye chakra, it also helps to sharpen your inner vision; just one of the qualities of the Third eye chakra.

3. Strengthens the Spinal Cord

It helps in strengthening spinal cord through the vibration caused by this mantra 'Om', specifically the A sound. When generated from within your abdomen it gives strength to the supporting muscles of spinal column.

4. Enhances Concentration

What I have found is that it significantly helps to improve my focus and concentration.

Possibly because the sound itself puts me in a trance like state, which minimises all distractions around me. I always find there’s always much more peace present, as if the volume on the world outside got turned down!

5. Spiritual Connection

Definitely feels like a sure way to connect with the divine and experience a higher state of consciousness. Probably because of the above mentioned reason where peace lingers after a good session of chanting.

I always feel like I’ve bridged the gap between Divinity and Humanity, as my mind feels lighter and more elevated.

It’s not as hippy - ish as you may think it is, the bible says : In the beginning was the word”, which is sound and science’s Big Bang theory, reports that the sound was more akin to a rhythmic robotic hum. Or the sound of AUM perhaps?

Whatever you may believe about the sound of AUM, the known benefits are powerful and can help you in many surprising ways.

Try it for a week and see how you feel with you experience!


Om Shanti 🕉